Ask your grandchildren if know someone who is deployed in the military now, encourage them to pray and reach out to their family. Share with them the importance of honoring those who have and are serving our country. With Veteran’s Day approaching share with your grandchildren about the many [...]
As Veteran’s day approaches, we are reminded of our military families and those who have served our country in the military. There are many U.S. troops in our military deployed all over the world leaving families back home and don’t hear the laughter of their loved ones. They only have [...]
God has given us a gift of intercessory prayer. An intercessor is one who intercedes in prayer on behalf of others. “Pray for each other so that you may be healed.” James 5:15b Next week we will be celebrating Veteran’s Day so I would like to give you some suggestions of how to pray for [...]
When Veteran’s Day is approaching share with your grandchildren about the many people, who have sacrificed for the freedoms our country enjoys. Talk about the members of your family that have served in the military. If your grandchildren know someone who is deployed in the military now, encourage [...]