Isn’t it exciting to have your precious grandchild come running into your arms with hugs and kisses? Your six-year-old granddaughter calling to tell you she lost her first tooth and the tooth fairy is coming to her house or your seven-year-old grandson thrilled to tell you how many goals he [...]
The last few months have been very busy and hectic for me, my life felt weighed down and cluttered. However, I have been focusing on getting my life, home, and grandparenting ministry in order. We are often weighed down with clutter in our lives, focusing on the many petty tasks before us. [...]
“A wicked messenger falls into trouble, but a trustworthy envoy brings healing.” Proverbs 13:17 Lord, I pray that You would allow my grandchild to faithfully deliver Your words of encouragement to those around him/her. Help him/her to see how speaking truth can heal a heavy heart and mind. It [...]
After the angels announced the birth of Jesus to the shepherds, they immediately ran to Bethlehemand found Mary and Joseph and the baby was lying in a manger. Then the shepherds told everyone what had happened and what the angel said about the baby. The people who heard their story were astonished. [...]
Since we are in the autumn season, I was reminded of my childhood, growing up on a wheat farm in Oklahoma. In the summer after the wheat harvest, my father would prepare the soil for the next year’s harvest and in the autumn, he would sow the wheat seed. Throughout the winter months, we would [...]
The only time Timothy’s grandmother Lois is mentioned in the Bible is that she passed on her faith to her daughter and grandson. Paul writes that she was a godly grandmother and gives us a glimpse of what caused Timothy to become a godly man, serving the Lord with Paul and writing two books of [...]
Have you every thought about how difficult it is for us when we try to call our Doctor or a business. We finally locate the telephone number, push the right buttons for their number, we get a recording listing a number for all the departments, then we select the department and very often, we are [...]
This past weekend, we were reminded of the tragedy our nation experienced ten years ago. It was a time to review the events and remember the many victims in our prayers. As our country is facing many difficult issues, it is easy to get discouraged, especially when we thinking of the world our [...]
Many of our grandchildren have already started school and the others will be going back to soon. Some of them are excited about going back to school but some are hesitate. On the September 11 is Grandparent’s Day of Prayer pray for your grandchildren to have a successful beginning for their new [...]
The Christian Grandparenting Network (CGN) recognizes that these are desperate, challenging times, both morally and spiritually, necessitating a widespread call to grandparents to pray for their grandchildren. Satan has launched an aggressive attack on all fronts using media, technology, education, [...]