How to I learned to Pray for my Grandchildren Early in my life, I felt my prayers were too general for my family, I asked God to give me wisdom and insight on how I could pray more intentionally. I discovered praying God’s Word was a great resource to help me to pray not only for my [...]
Cultural pressures are increasing on our grandchildren and their parents. However, grandparents can help the next generation navigate these cultural issues. Just as Esther stood in the gap for her people, the Jews, when they were threatened, physically, we can stand in the gap with prayer for our [...]
Pray for Grandchildren to be Known by their Actions in School “Even a child is known by his actions, by whether his conduct is pure and right” (Proverbs 20:11). Pray your grandchildren will . . . 1. learn to follow instructions and conduct themselves with right behavior. 2. Encourage your [...]
God Wants an Intimate Relationship with you Isn’t it exciting to have your precious grandchild come running into your arms with hugs and kisses? Your six-year-old granddaughter calling to tell you she lost her first tooth and the tooth fairy is coming to her house, or your [...]
I hope these suggestions will be helpful for as you pray for your pre-school grandchildren. Pray they will develop a spirit of love, self-discipline and an awareness of how much God loves them. For Preschoolers, pray they will: 1. Learn problem [...]
Encourage your grandchildren to participate in Sunday School, Awana other Christian groups, which will help them to learn more about Jesus. Provide them with Christian books, CD’s, videos etc. that will teach them to invite Jesus into their hearts and grow strong in their relationship with Jesus. [...]
“Hannah is not the primary character in the story. Nor is Samuel. Pivotal to the whole story, the central cohesive element, the linchpin, is God himself. Everything else—Hannah’s barrenness, Hannah’s prayer, Samuel’s birth—is the working out of God’s eternal agenda.”¹ Hannah longed [...]
Let’s help our grandchildren learn to give thanks for the manythings in their lives they take for granted each day. Encourage them to be thankful for their homes, their families, and opportunities they can enjoy which many children don’t have access. I have developed “Thirty-one Scriptures to [...]
Today, grandparents are in a battle for the hearts and minds of our grandchildren. However, the battle isn’t ours, it is the Lords. The way to walk through this battle is to grip the hand of Jesus tightly and stay in close communication with him. It is only as we release our concerns for our [...]
Are you Standing in the Gap with Prayer for your Grandchildren? As I look ahead into 2019, it looks like our national and global situation is in turmoil. Our world is in a moral and spiritual decline, we are in a battle for the minds and hearts of our dear grandchildren.The enemy is [...]