Does the song, “I’ll be home for Christmas” ¹ Frank Sinatra made famous in the ’50s, makes you blue and gloomy because you are not going to see all of your children and grandchildren during this Christmas season make you sad? Grandparents love to be with their loved ones to celebrate [...]
One of our family traditions is to have a birthday cake for Jesus at our Christmas family gathering. The birthday cake is always a big hit with the children. They love blowing out the candles and singing “Happy birthday to Jesus, “an excellent way to teach them about celebrating the birthday of [...]
Do you feel like your life is weighed down, chaotic and cluttered, especially during this Christmas season? There is shopping, baking, wrapping, decorating and many other things we feel like we need to do. Recently, I experienced the weight of things to do with trying to balance my life [...]
As I was looking at a forlorn misshapen tree standing in the snow on the cover of a book I was reading last week, I was reminded of the Christmas tree we had at my house when I was a child. When I was six years old, my parents had very little money to spend at Christmas. In order for my parents [...]
Guest blog by Kaylynn Gibbs As Christians, we spend the month of December in preparation to celebrate the birth of our Savior, Jesus; from the announcement in Isaiah 9:6, to the birth story recorded in Matthew 1 and Luke 2. The Bible is filled with many other interesting birth stories leading up to [...]
Grandparents with a Purpose: Effective Ways to Pray Effectively for your Grandchildren will make a great Christmas Gift for any grandparent. In fact, you will love it for yourself. I have been a grandmother for over 35 years. God has given me a passion to intentionally pray for my grandchildren, [...]
We had our family Christmas gathering last night, in which we included a birthday cake for Jesus and sang “Happy birthday”. My four-year-old great-granddaughter was thrilled to blow out the candles. Later that evening when her parents were putting her to bed she prayed that Jesus would not [...]
The fragrances of holiday scented candles, cookies baking, and the pine Christmas trees are always inviting when walking into the house this time of the year. Recently I was watching the Food channel, and they were talking about how different foods bring memories to our minds. The fragrances of [...]
Today I would like to share with you a U-Tube presentation of The Candymaker’s Gift produced by my friends David and Helen Haidle. The Candymaker’s Gift is an excellent story to share with your grandchildren during this Christmas season about the real meaning of Christmas. You can show it to [...]
One of our family traditions is to have a birthday cake for Jesus at our Christmas family gathering. The birthday cake is always a big hit with the children. They love blowing out the candles and singing “Happy birthday to Jesus “an excellent way to teach them about celebrating the birthday of [...]