Pray for your grandchildren to live in this evil world with self control, right conduct and devotion to God. Titus 2:12 Our precious grandchildren and their parents need intentional praying grandparents as we live in a culture of spiritual, social and moral decline? To receive resources for [...]
Pray your grandchildren will always remember that Jesus will never leave or forsake them. Joshua [...]
Pray for your children and grandchildren will know and follow Christ and follow Christ anywhere wholeheartedly. [...]
Pray for your grandchildren to learn to be responsible for their own actions and behavior. Galatians [...]
If you believe in the power of prayer you will want to read these endorsements of two grandparents wanting to encourage you to participate this year? Catherine Jacobs, Executive Director, Pass the Legacy Ministry writes, “Grandparent’s Day is an amazing way to celebrate “GRAND parents”! In [...]
In an attempt by secular humanists to develop a secular society, they have very purposefully and very intentionally carved away at our Godly heritage, until they have developed a country in which prayer has been removed from schools, being a Christian is scorned, and talking about Jesus is [...]
Last night in our small group Bible study, we were studying James 1:27 where James is telling the Jewish Christians to: “look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” I thought to myself to keep oneself from being polluted by the world is [...]