My friend, Larry McCall has given us Biblical clarity to the role godly grandparenting plays in the pursuit of following Jesus and offers hands-on tools. Larry gives us a non-nonsense approach to grandparenting, centered in the gospel, not culture, or traditions. Grandparents need to find [...]
110 Suggestions to Pray for your Pre-school aged grandchildren Develop a well-balanced personality. Learn problem resolution skills. Play well with others. Learn to obey quickly, and to respect authority. Explore and create without fear of failure. Develop a soft heart towards Jesus. Develop [...]
In his book, “Fearless” by Max Lucado writes, “Prayer is the saucer into which parental fears are poured to cool. Jesus says so little about our parenting makes no comments about spanking, breastfeeding, sibling rivalry, or schooling. His actions speak volumes about prayer. . [...]
Challenges Promote Character God may allow challenging situations in the lives of our grandchildren for a purpose. Trials and challenges are inevitable; they may be God’s invitation to develop character and grow in their spiritual life. Our grandchildren must learn to expect them, submit to them, [...]
Do you get tired of praying the same prayers for your grandchildren and their parents? Do you feel like your prayers have become humdrum, repetitive, or pointless? A number of years ago, I felt that my prayers were general and superficial. I prayed that my grandchildren would be safe and have a [...]
If you sign up to receive blogs to encourage you and give you resources to pray intentionally for your grandchildren sign up in the form on the left to receive them twice weekly. I will also send you a free downable copy of Scriptures to Pray for your Grandchildren. By Lillian Penner, Co-prayer [...]
Dear Lord, I pray that I will let the Holy Spirit fill me with hope and joy to the point of overflowing to my family. Help me to make the most of the opportunities I have and not waste them foolishly to show my grandchildren what a godly like looks like in a secular world. Our world is so complex [...]
There are many Grandparents in the world whose grandchildren are in urgent need of prayer. The purpose of the Grandparents Prayer Movementof the Christian Grandparenting Network and the Legacy Coalition is to gather grandparents worldwide who see the urgency to pray [...]
Grandparents often find it hard to know how to pray for their teenaged grandchildren. They are facing many confusing and critical cultural issues that we didn’t face when growing up or even when we raised our children. It’s important for us to maintain active communication with them. I often [...]
I want to personally thank you for your impressive response for the Grandparents Day of Prayer. The analytics of my website and Facebook page indicate thousands were reached with the information, which is fantastic. Your “likes” on Facebook posts, your comments and sharing with [...]