If you believe in the power of prayer, join grandparents throughout the world to make National Grandparents Day on September 12, 2021, a Day of Prayer for our grandchildren and their parents. Today our nations are being attacked like never before educationally, socially, [...]
Today I want to share an activity with you that you can do with your grandchildren this summer or anytime. Learn to know their favorites when you are with them, or you can do it over the phone, mail, Skype, face time, etc. It will show them you are interested in them and help you get to [...]
In his book, “Fearless,” Max Lucado writes, “Prayer is the saucer into which parental fears are poured to cool. Jesus says so little about our parenting makes no comments about spanking, breastfeeding, sibling rivalry, or schooling. His actions speak volumes about Prayer. Bring your [...]
Let’s make Grandparents Day on September 12, 2021, a Day of Prayer for our grandchildren and their parents Today the Judeo-Christian foundation of our nation is being attacked like never before: educationally, socially, financially, politically, racially, and spiritually. It is going to be [...]
Do you know children whose family members are in the military? Ask your grandchildren if they have friends whose parents are in the military. If they do, encourage them to pray and reach out to their friends and friends’ families with kindness. We are all part of the family of God. We are to [...]
Many hurting grandparents are raising their grandchildren because their parents are ill, in the military, in prison, or in various situations, especially today with the Opioids epidemic. The rewards and challenges of parenting the second time around when parents are absent or unable to raise their [...]
“I have been reminded of your sincere faith, which first lived in your grandmother Lois and your mother, Eunice? I persuaded, now lives in you also” (II Timothy 1:5 NIV) If Timothy’s grandmother Lois had not been faithful in passing on her faith to her daughter Eunice and grandson [...]
Our children have a great responsibility parenting our grandchildren in these insecure, unstable times we live in today. Young families are busy with their jobs, church activities, children’s activities, etc. There are many distractions for them in their marriage, employment, and [...]
“Hannah is not the primary character in the story. Nor is Samuel. Pivotal to the whole story, the central cohesive element, the linchpin, is God himself. Everything else—Hannah’s barrenness, Hannah’s prayer, Samuel’s birth—is the working out of God’s eternal agenda.”¹ Hannah longed [...]