For Preschoolers, pray they will:
- Develop a well-balanced personality
- Learn problem resolutions.
- Play well with others.
- Learn to obey quickly; respect authority.
- Explore and create without fear o failure.
- Develop a soft heart towards Jesus
- Develop confidence and independence.
- Learn to control their emotions and anger.
- Develop an awareness of God’s love.
- Build positive friendships.
For Elementary-AGE CHILDREN, pray they will:
- Discover their God-given gifts and
- Develop a sense of satisfaction and enjoy using their skills.
- Be motivated, disciplined and challenged in their learning experiences.
- Treat others with respect.
- Stand firm for what is right and refuse the wrong with a positive attitude.
- Choose friendships wisely
- Obey their parents
- Understand their need for a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
- Develop a strong and healthy self-esteem and self-confidence.
- Have a safe, healthy classroom.
- Be protected from the deception of the world.
- Develop a hunger for God’s Word.
For your Pre-teen & Teenagers, pray they will:
- Be motivated, disciplined, and challenged to apply him/her self in order to excel academically.
- Experience the reality of knowing Jesus Christ, as they grow strong in their faith.
- Recognize the deception the world offers.
- Be covered with God’s safekeeping physically, spiritually, and emotionally.
- Date wisely (which leads to a life’s partner).
- Be sexually pure.
- Have open communication and a good relationship with parents.
- Learn how valuable he/she is to You knowing his/her true worth comes from You.
- Choose friends who will have a positive influence.
- Develop a hunger for God’s Word to grow spiritually.
- Have a balanced view of his/her beauty, charm and strength.
- Live in this evil world with self-control, right conduct and devotion to You.
- Be willing to accept responsibility and make wise financial decisions.
- Will not worry about anything but pray about everything.
- Will live in this evil world with self-control, right conduct and devotion to God.
For College/Young Adults, pray they will:
- Experience the reality of a relationship with Christ and live the adventure of following Jesus.
- Grow spiritually with a hunger for God’ Word.
- Be motivated, disciplined, and challenged to apply themselves in their studies to excel
- Seek God’s wisdom and direction in their management of time, money, and talents.
- Think creatively and live with integrity.
- Recognize their gifts so they can find their God-given assignment.
- Provide the resources to fulfill their God-given assignment.
- Date wisely (which leads to a spouse for a lifetime).
- Find a spouse with a growing relationship with Jesus Christ.
- Remain sexually pure for marriage.
- Be willing to accept responsibility and make wise financial decisions.
- Have open communication and a good relationship with their parents.
- Recognize the deception of the world and flee from it.
- Be covered with God’s safekeeping physically, spiritually, and emotionally.
- Choose friends who will have a positive influence.
- Have a balanced view of their beauty, charm, and strength.
By Lillian Penner, Emertis Prayer Coordinator, Author and Blogger.
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