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Grandparenting with a Purpose: Effective Ways to Pray for your Grandchildren
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Answers for Hurting Grandparents and a View of our Culture.

By grandparenting 4 years agoNo Comments

When we reach the midlife years of our lives, we look forward to becoming grandparents. We’re very excited when our first grandchild and each one is born. However, today, many grandparents have broken hearts because they have been estranged from their grandchildren for various reasons. I often get emails from grandparents with broken hearts asking me to pray for them.

If you are a hurting grandparent, you will find some helpful answers in the “Revised and Expanded” Grandparenting with a Purpose, Effective Ways to Pray for Your Grandchildren book. The book is designed to encourage and equip grandparents to pray for their grandchildren and their parents intentionally.

I have expanded the book with additional chapters and a study guide for each chapter, which you will find useful for your small group or to ponder personally.

•    Since there are many hurting and estranged grandparents today, I am addressing that issue in a chapter. Is your grandparenting Painful or a blessing?

•    I include a chapter looking at the View of the Culture our grandchildren and their parents’ are navigating today. 

• God’s Design for grandparenting plus several additional chapters and Scriptures to Pray for Teens and Scriptures for Grandparents to pray for themselves.

One grandmother writes. . . ” This book is excellent! I love that it has so many ideas for grandparenting children of all ages. I love the ideas on instilling faith and a love for God! My children are very blessed to have both sets of grandparents living nearby, so I would love to give them a copy of this book since I appreciate what they do for them and think that this book will provide them with even more ideas. I highly recommend this book for grandparents of all ages!”

The book retails for $14.99; it is available for a discounted price of $15.00, including shipping and handling costs in the U. S. for a limited time on my website. I will include several Scriptural Prayer resources with your purchase. The book is available in an eBook format for $4.99 for those who prefer the eBook format or live outside the U. S. to save on Amazon’s shipping costs.

May God bless you richly as you grandparent with a purpose,

Lillian Penner, Author, blogger, grandmother, and great-grandmother. pennerlp@gmail.com

  Culture, Grandchildren, Grandparents,General
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  (965 articles)

Lillian is the National Prayer Coordinator for Christian Grandparenting Network for many years. She is a speaker, blogger and authored Grandparenting with a Purpose: Effective Ways to Pray for your Grandchildren. She and her husband have 3 sons, 9 grandchildren and 2 greats.

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