Today our grandchildren are growing up in a self-centered and entitlement culture. Grandparents can encourage them to think of others and not just what is best for them. One of the ways we can encourage them in this area is their friendships. Friends are important to a child’s development. It isn’t healthy emotionally or spiritually for a child to be isolated. Many times when they make the wrong choices, it is because they are seeking someone’s approval or acceptance, wanting to fit in, especially at school where their peers can greatly influence them.
Discernment for a Good Friend
It is vital that your grandchildren recognize when they feel uncomfortable in a relationship—they do not have to be close friends with everyone. However, they should be kind to them and not be rude. Grandparents can pray for them in this area, and teach them how to recognize when a relationship may have a poor influence on them.
- Pray for discernment and strength to separate himself or herself from anyone who is not a good influence.
- Pray for discerning hearts and minds for God’s protection as your grandkids are developing friendships.
- On this website, you will find a list of free downloads with many helpful suggestions of how to intentionally pray for your grandchildren.
- Click on the 3 bars on the upper left side of this page FREE RESOURCES.
By Lillian Penner, Co-Prayer director for Christian Grandparenting Network, lpenner@christiangrandparenting.net
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