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How to avoid harsh verbal fireworks

By grandparenting 7 years agoNo Comments

Thoughts and Musings from Kaylynn Gibb, Guest blogger

Did you have any “fireworks” at your house this 4th of July? We had some colorful kid-sized displays. Some blew up with loud noises, a few melted down. There were also some indoor fireworks (aka blowups and meltdowns.) It wasn’t just grandchildren! Super grandma planned too much for the grandkid’s five-day visit. We had lots of fun activities and food, but it nearly wore us all out! I’m not proud to admit it, but I did get a bit cranky! The usual routine went out the window. I forgot that God would like to be included in my day, but I was a little too busy for him! Grandkids come first! Right?

Rick Warren said, “If I don’t have a daily quiet time with God in the Word if I miss it for even a few days, I get cranky. To do the right thing, you need to be equipped and refreshed.”* Amen to that! How true it is for me! Time with God first, can help to keep the fireworks from exploding in the house!

It’s not just our family that occasionally loses self-control. We hear verbal “fireworks” of harsh words and discontented grumbling on the news; from our leaders to the protesters on the street; from road rage on the highways to neighbors and families upset with one another. Just watch Judge Judy!

 Our world needs a timeout – with God. We all need to put God first every day! Let’s keep praying for family, friends and our world so that when the “fireworks” explode they are the beautiful kind, high in the sky, that celebrate our freedom!

  • Lord, help us to be self-controlled and alert, resisting the enemy, who wants to bring chaos to our family life and our world. May we remain in your word and stand strong in our faith for our grandchildren and Your Glory. 1 Peter 5:8-9
  •  Lord, we pray for peace for everyone – our friends & neighbors, our world and especially our children and grandchildren. Psalm 34:14
  • Lord, help us keep ourselves under control when we are beginning to feel upset because a wise leader (and grandmother) holds their temper. Proverbs 29:11
  •  Lord, help us, our grandchildren and our world leaders to be good listeners, slow to speak and soft to answer so we can turn away anger. James 1:19/Proverbs 15:1
Quote taken from  Rick Warren’s devotional was from “Daily Hope” devotionals.

Guest blog by Kaylynn Gibb, mother, grandmother, write, loves to be involved with music, and a snow birder.

PS:  I have developed several FREE Suggestions to Pray for your grandchildren you can download on this website and print to help you pray intentionally for your grandchildren and their parents. I have also included a couple of eBooks you can download.

 FREE RESOURCES:  On this website, you will find a list of free downloads with many helpful suggestions on how to intentionally pray for your grandchildren. Click on the 3 bars on the upper left side of this page FREE RESOURCES.


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Lillian is the National Prayer Coordinator for Christian Grandparenting Network for many years. She is a speaker, blogger and authored Grandparenting with a Purpose: Effective Ways to Pray for your Grandchildren. She and her husband have 3 sons, 9 grandchildren and 2 greats.

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