Scriptures to Pray for Children & Grandchildren,
especially on Grandparents’ Day of Prayer
It’s only 6 days till the National Grandparent’s Day.
Let’s make it a day of prayer for our grandchildren and their parents.
God speaks to us through His Word, and it’s His Word that we need to “speak” back to him in prayer.
Dear Father, I pray that: (Insert your child’s name)
1. Accept Advice _______ will listen to constructive criticism and correction, and through it gain understanding. Proverbs 15:31, 32
2. Anger _______will be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry. James 1:19
3. Anxiety _______will cast all his/her anxieties and disappointments on You to experience your care for him/her. I Peter 5:7
4. Confidence _________ will understand that the Lord is his/her helper and will always help him/her in every situation. Heb. 13:6
5. Compassionate _______ will be kind, compassionate, and forgiving to others. Ephesians 4:32
6. Contentment _______ will learn the secret of contentment in every situation. Philippians 4:12
7. Direction ______will acknowledge You in all his/her ways and You will direct his/her path. Proverbs 3:6
8. Friendships ______ will pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace and enjoy the companionship of those who love the Lord. II Timothy. 2:22
9. Future Mate _______will find a spouse with a growing relationship with Jesus Christ. II Corinthians 6:14
10. Generosity ________ will be generous and willing to share with others. I Timothy 6:18
11. Good Listener ______ will be a good listener and think before he/she speaks. James 1:19
12. Guard ______ will guard his/her heart, for it is the wellspring of his/her life. Proverbs 4:23
13. Hunger for God’s Word _______ will hunger and thirst for your Word. Matthew 5:6
14. Humility _______ will do nothing out of selfish ambition, always considering others better than ones self. Philippians 2:3
15. Obedience to God _________will show his/her love for You by his/her obedience to You. John 14:15
16. Obedience to Parents _________ will learn to obey his/her parents. Eph. 6:1
17. Peace ________ will not worry about anything but pray about everything. Philippians 4:6
18. Protection from the Enemy ________ will be alert and watch out for the temptations from the enemy, standing firm in his/her faith. I Peter 5:8, 9
19. Responsibility ________ will learn to be responsible for his/her own actions and behavior. Galatians 6:5
20. Salvation ________ will believe that Jesus loves him/her and died for his/her sins so he/she can have a personal relationship with You and enjoy eternal life. John 3:16
By Lillian Penner ©2009 Grandparenting with a Purpose
Thank you for putting this prayer together…