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Will your Family want your Jesus?

By grandparenting 9 years agoNo Comments

Guest blog b y Rebecca BucknerGranddaughter and grandmother holding flowers and smiling

Recently, I attended the funeral service of the mother of one of my good friends.  The room was full but what impressed me so deeply was the testimony of her children. Time was not spent on her accomplishments, which, by the way, happened to be worth mentioning but the words spoken were a picture of her heart.

I am not sure whether this was their original intent as they crafted their speeches. However, I have a feeling that as they began to describe who their mother was, the depth and breadth of the love for Jesus in her heart became their theme.  An affection of love overflowed with tender words from these adult children as they spoke of their mother’s faith.  I had ever met this woman but I knew in my heart that I wanted to be like her. 

As I listened to her children beautifully describe the mother and grandmother that had so impressed their hearts, I knew I wanted to have that same impact on my children and grandchildren. And then, I had an “Aha” moment.  It was Jesus that so attracted me to this woman I had never met!  It wasn’t her life that was so attractive; it was Jesus living through her that drew me to her. As a result, her children were portraying how their mother’s life was an outpouring of Jesus’ love for them and their families.  I want to be like Jesus!

I have a deep longing to live out my days in intimacy with my Savior.  Proverbs 27:19 says, “As a face is reflected in water, so the heart reflects the real person.”  What does the reflection of my “real person” look like?  Do people see Jesus in me?   Is my present commitment to meditate and know God’s Word enough to transform my life into one that truly reflects Jesus to my children and grandchildren?  Is my investment in my spiritual growth and walk with the Lord one that will leave a spiritual legacy when I am no longer here?

Do I demonstrate my faith as I walk with God through the storms and disappointments of life as well as the sunny days?  Does God want me to make some adjustments in how I spend my time to better fulfill His purposes?  Do I display an authenticity and sincerity in my relationship with God?  Do I want my children and grandchildren to imitate my spiritual life?   God is calling me to examine the deepest crevices of my heart.

Will they want my Jesus?

“I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in truth.” 3 John 1:4

 Rebecca is a wife to Terry, mother of two, and grandmother of two. She lives on the lake and enjoys mornings and evenings on the porch, watching the wildlife and admiring God’s creation. She is a prayer team member of the Christian Grandparenting Network and is passionate about leaving a spiritual legacy for her family.



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Lillian is the National Prayer Coordinator for Christian Grandparenting Network for many years. She is a speaker, blogger and authored Grandparenting with a Purpose: Effective Ways to Pray for your Grandchildren. She and her husband have 3 sons, 9 grandchildren and 2 greats.

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