I hope there are a Million Praying Grandparents in the world because our dear grandchildren are in urgent need of prayer. The purpose of the Million Praying Grandparents movement is to gather a million praying grandparents worldwide who see the urgency to pray intentionally daily for their grandchildren and their parents in our broken world.
Will you join the many grandparents who have already committed to pray regularly for their grandchildren and their parents? Imagine the impact on our world if a million plus grandparents are intentionally praying for their grandchildren and their parents?
If you have already signed up we want to thank you for your participation and would like to ask you to share with your friends about the Million Praying Grandparents movement.
Will you go to www.millionprayinggrandparents.com and sign up to participate in this movement with many other grandparents.
Lillian Penner, National Prayer Coordinator, Christian Grandparenting Network lpenner@christiangrandparenting.net
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