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Why Make National Grandparents’ Day a Special Day of Prayer?

By grandparenting 10 years agoNo Comments

It’s only 31 days until National Grandparents Day. Portrait of a group of four smiling childrenGod has given grandparents a sacred trust – an opportunity to imprint another generation with His love and faithfulness.

That is why Christian Grandparenting Network has proclaimed the National Grandparents Day on September 13 to be a Day of prayer to cover our grandchildren and their parents with intentional prayer, especially as many of our grandchildren are going back to school. Have you noticed all the first day back to school pictures on Facebook lately?

Grandparents need to be intentional about the power of prayer to keep the hearts and minds of their grandchildren from falling captive to the enemy’s deception. We are engaged in a spiritual battle.

In today’s broken world, Satan’s purpose is to destroy the family. It is important that we pray God will give the parents of our grandchildren wisdom and time management in their monumental task of guiding our grandchildren in the ways of the Lord. We live in the midst of a busy and evil environment filled with many spiritual battles.

The Movies, Music, TV, Video games, and Internet are desensitizing our grandchildren. They are faced with legal recreational Marijuana, Drugs, Sex-trafficking, alcohol, sexual identity, Homosexuality, Pornography, Pre-martial sex and more.

And so, here we are. In a country where they call wrong right and right wrong, and where our children are growing up in an entitlement society where no one wins, you don’t have to work to survive, and authority is to be challenged – not respected.

 So what do we do when we live in a culture of spiritual, social and moral decline? Are we completely without hope and at the mercy of the merciless and the politically correct?

 No, We are not without hope. We read in Psalms 46:1, “We have a God who is our refuge and strength, our stronghold in times of trouble.”

 Will you accept the challenge to make the National Grandparents’ Day a Day of Prayer for our grandchildren and their parents on September 13?

If you are a praying grandparent who believes in the power of prayer for your grandchildren and their parents? Will you join us?

To learn more about Grandparents’ Day of Prayer, view this short video. https://vimeo.com/130942706  Will you participate in the movement and/or organize a time of prayer for other grandparents to join you. Go to http://www.grandparentsdayofprayer.com there you may find additional information and be able to order promotional resources on the website or email me. lpenner@christiangrandparenting.net

Please share this blog with your friends.

Lillian Penner, Grandparents’ Day of Prayer Coordinator

Christian Grandparenting Network




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  (965 articles)

Lillian is the National Prayer Coordinator for Christian Grandparenting Network for many years. She is a speaker, blogger and authored Grandparenting with a Purpose: Effective Ways to Pray for your Grandchildren. She and her husband have 3 sons, 9 grandchildren and 2 greats.

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