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Are You Standing in the Gap with Prayer for your Grandchildren?

By grandparenting 10 years agoNo Comments

We are going to look in God’s Word to see some examples of people BridgeHe used to stand in the gap for his purpose to be accomplished. The Bible describes prayer as “Standing in the Gap” or “Bridging the Gap” a channel through which God’s will is brought to earth.

God chose and appointed Moses to stand in the gap between His people, the Israelites and Pharaoh. Esther stood in the gap for her people, the Israelites with prayer and fasting when Haman wanted to destroy the Israelites.

There was no gap between God and the earth after God created the earth. However, after Adam and Eve sinned by eating the forbidden fruit in the garden, sin created a gap between God and his plan for the earth. ¹  

Fortunately, God stood in the gap for us by sending His Son, Jesus to the earth to live as a man, die for our sins, and rise from the dead so we could have a personal relationship with Him. He chose us, to be a channel for His power to bridge the gap between himself and the earth.

God chose us to partner with Him and intercede in behalf of our children, grandchildren, and future generations. Just as Jesus, Moses, Esther, Daniel, Joseph, and many others in the Bible stood in the gap for God’s people, we as grandparents have the privilege to stand in the gap with prayer for our families.

Satan is very active in the world today; he knows his time is short. Paul writes in Ephesians 6:10, “We are to be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.” against Satan’s well-thought-out plans and agenda. His goal is to distract and steal our children, grandchildren, and future generations from their faith in Jesus Christ. Our goal ought to be that our grandchildren would know a full, purposeful, and fruitful life in Jesus Christ.

It is not only important to pray for our families individually, it is vital that we unite with other grandparents to pray for our families in these crucial times. As Prayer Coordinator for Christian Grandparenting Network (CGN), I would like to encoGaP-logo-transparenturage you to stand in the gap for your grandchildren by participating in a Grandparents @ Prayer (G@P) intercessory prayer group.

We currently have about 30 G@P groups uniting in prayer for their grandchildren. Go to http://www.christiangrandparenting.net/prayer/grandparents-prayer/introduction-to-g-p check out the locations of current groups, testimonials, and additional information. We would love to have you to be a part of the G@P prayer ministry.

I would like to share one of my favorite songs May all who come behind us find us faithful which is my desire for my children, grandchildren and future generations.


 As grandparents, let us be the channels through which God’s will is brought down to earth for our children, grandchildren, future generations and ourselves.

By Lillian Penner

₁ Jennifer Kennedy Dean, Living A Praying Life, (Birmingham, AL: New Hope, 2003). p 60.



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Lillian is the National Prayer Coordinator for Christian Grandparenting Network for many years. She is a speaker, blogger and authored Grandparenting with a Purpose: Effective Ways to Pray for your Grandchildren. She and her husband have 3 sons, 9 grandchildren and 2 greats.

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