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Why Pray for your Grandchildren’s Parents?

By grandparenting 11 years ago5 Comments

In today’s broken world, Satan’s purpose is to destroy the family. It is important thatFamily we pray God will give our children, the parents of our dear grandchildren wisdom and time management in their monumental task of guiding our grandchildren in the ways of the Lord.

Dr. James Dobson writes, “There is no more important job in the universe than to raise a child to love God, live productively, and servehumanity. The responsibilities of effective parenthood are staggeringly heavy at times. Children are terribly dependent on their parents and the task of meeting their needs is a full-time job.”

When Nehemiah faced opposition in building the wall in Jerusalem, he told the people, “Don’t be afraid of them, Remember the Lord, who is great and awesome, and fight for your brothers, sons, and your daughters, your wives and your homes”Just as Nehemiah asked the people to fight for their families, we as grandparents need to use our prayers to fight the opposition from the enemy our grandchildren face today.

That is why we are asking grandparents throughout the world to join in prayer for their grandchildren and their parents. Grandparents who believe in the power of prayer can make a great impact on their children, grandchildren and future generations not only on National Grandparents’ Day but everyday.

Lets make the National Grandparents Day a Day of Prayer

for our grandchildren and their parents.

Will you ask God how you can be part of this special event? At this time we are also asking for volunteers who will take the lead to organize an event in their church, in their home, in their retirement complex or any meeting location you choose. It’s not a complicated process. We will supply you with resources and a step-by-step guide to help you create a successful event.

To find out more about becoming a volunteer,

please follow the steps below.

Check out this website for blogs, endorsements, testimonials and promotional materials and free downloads.www.grandparentsdayofprayer.com.

For additional information, contact me – Lillian Penner, National Prayer Coordinator for Christian Grandparenting Network lpenner@christiangrandparenting.net.


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Lillian is the National Prayer Coordinator for Christian Grandparenting Network for many years. She is a speaker, blogger and authored Grandparenting with a Purpose: Effective Ways to Pray for your Grandchildren. She and her husband have 3 sons, 9 grandchildren and 2 greats.


  • Lourdes Lapira says:

    It is obviously true that the parents of our grandchildren have a very important influence on them. I likened them as the soil where the grandchildren are closely nourished not only physically ,mentally ,emotionally but importantly their .spiritual growth. And if the soil is barren,unfertilized and not watered how will it nourish the plants (our grandchildren)? In our prayer groups. we do … pray for the parents Often than not, the parents are the needy ones for salvation and or restoration .
    Sadly, they are giving the wrong messages to the grandchildren by their lifestyles and worldly examples.
    Thank you for pointing out in your book…a great book for both parents and grandparents.
    God bless you.

  • Lourdes,
    Thank you for your comments. I am glad to hear that you pray for the parents of the grandchildren in your prayer group. We do in the one I attend also. They definitely have a great responsibility to nourish the godly seed for it to grow. Their lives seem so busy and sadly do send the wrong messages. Lord help the parents of our grandchildren to be a godly example and invest in their spiritual lives.

  • DeeEdrah says:

    Praying for my grandchildren daily, I also take time to let their parents know specifically what I am praying so they can look for God at work.

  • Kris & Greg Zimmer says:

    when is it?

  • The Grandparents’ Day of Prayer is on National Grandparents Day on September 7 of this year.

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