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Back to School Prayer for Grandchildren

By grandparenting 12 years ago5 Comments

John  & grkidsThis summer my husband and I had the opportunity to spend time with our children and grandchildren at a family reunion, playing games, spending time on the beach, shopping, visiting an old historical town, Virginia City, NV, and more.

Last week Grandpa took two granddaughters to the golf driving range, I made pickles with another granddaughter, and we had a couple of overnighters in our home. These were special times.

Now they are off the college and back in school with homework and activities so our time will be limited with them.  When we long for those hugs and kisses and miss our precious grandchildren, it is a good time to say a prayer for them. (See prayer below)

I heard of a grandmother in Texas who sets the alarm on her cell phone each day at the time her grandchildren are going to school to remind her to pray for them.

The following is a suggested prayer you can pray for your grandchildren going back to school.

Dear Lord, I pray my grandchildren will:

  • Desire to do their very best academically.
  • Respect their teachers.
  • Choose friends, who will have a positive influence.
  • Recognize the deception of worldly thinking.
  • Have eyes blinded to the temptations they face.
  • Have a balanced view of their beauty, charm, and strength.
  • Learn to be responsible for their actions and behavior.

In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

By Lillian Penner


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Lillian is the National Prayer Coordinator for Christian Grandparenting Network for many years. She is a speaker, blogger and authored Grandparenting with a Purpose: Effective Ways to Pray for your Grandchildren. She and her husband have 3 sons, 9 grandchildren and 2 greats.


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