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Grandparenting with a Purpose: Effective Ways to Pray for your Grandchildren
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Read how I Learned to Pray God’s Word for my Grandchildren

By grandparenting 12 years ago3 Comments

Grandmother and mother in living room with baby smilingI received the special gift of grandparenting as I approached my midlife season. It was exciting to become a grandparent! However, I learned that along with this gift came a sacred trust to imprint another generation with the message of God’s faithfulness. Reflecting on my new responsibility, I realized my prayers were too general and vague and I became frustrated with how I was praying for my grandchildren.

After I asked God for wisdom and I discovered God’s Word was a great resource to help me with my praying, not only for my family, but also for myself.

In Hebrews 4:12 we read, “The Word of God is full of living power.” When I pray according to God’s Word, I am in line with His will, enabling me to pray with direction, power, and wisdom. I not only find myself in intimate communication with God, but my mind is renewed to think His thoughts about the situation for which I am praying, instead of my own thoughts. Ultimately,

God shrinks the situation that I thought was overwhelming and impossible into a viable possibility. He gives me peace as I wait for His answer.

As I started claiming God’s promises and personalizing the scriptures, I experienced more boldness and confidence in my praying. Nothing threatens the enemy (Satan) more than when we are intentionally praying God’s Word for our children, grandchildren, and ourselves. Many scriptures in Psalms, Proverbs, the

Gospels and Paul’s writings can be used in our prayers. While surfing on the Internet looking for help in my praying, God directed me to the Christian Grandparenting Network. After sharing my passion with them, they invited me to become their National Prayer Coordinator, and develop their prayer ministry.

One of the resources I have developed is the download of “Scriptures to Pray for your grandchildren” which many of you received when you subscribed to the blogs on this website.  If you have not yet subscribed I will invite you to subscribe to my weekly blog.



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Lillian is the National Prayer Coordinator for Christian Grandparenting Network for many years. She is a speaker, blogger and authored Grandparenting with a Purpose: Effective Ways to Pray for your Grandchildren. She and her husband have 3 sons, 9 grandchildren and 2 greats.


  • Mary Ann says:

    Well said Lillian!
    Mary Ann

  • Gwen Colfer says:

    I use these “Scriptures to Pray for Your Grandchildren” regularly in praying for our grandchidren, Lillian. And I also use them to text to the grandchildren (one every couple of days or so). I find that when I preface the scripture verse with “We are praying that our grandchildren will _________ (fill in the blank of one of the verses that you provide on that card)”, it helps to emphasize to our grandchildren that we are praying that particular Christian characteristic or asset for them, personally. We also use these in our National Grandparents’ Day of Prayer Prayer Service in our church. Thank you for this great resource!

  • Ele says:

    Accurate and powerful!! Let’s keep praying, Grandparents!!

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