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Things to do for Grandparents Day of Prayer – September 9, 2012

By grandparenting 13 years ago1 Comment

 There are only 59 days until Grandparents Day of Prayer .

Here are some suggestions of things to do on September 9 – Grandparents Day of Prayer.

 “The power of focused prayer can change a generation.” Author unknown

Grandparents worldwide are invited to stand in the gap together for their grandchildren just as Esther stood in the gap for her people in a desperate time. Satan has launched an aggressive attack on all fronts using media, technology, education, social influences, and political pressures to desensitize and cloud the boundaries of truth and righteousness that hold our families together.

Perhaps at no time in our history is a call to prayer more urgently required than it is today. Together grandparents can link arms in prayer for the sake of the next generation.

Christian Grandparenting Network is putting a call out to thousands of grandparents who will sign up to pray individually and encourage group participation on this special day of prayer. Everyone who signs up on their website to make Grandparent’s Day of Prayer a high priority will receive a copy of Scriptures to Pray for your Grandchildren.

To sign up and to receive additional information visit the Christian Grandparenting Network website www.christiangrandparenting.net/day-of-prayer.html  

I am giving you suggestions of things you can do to start planning how you can join other grandparents to pray for your grandchildren.

 Things to do for Grandparents Day of Prayer:

  1. Ask your pastor to make an announcement challenging grandparents to pray for their grandchildren on Sept. 9.
  2. Ask your Senior Adult Ministry pastor or coordinator to arrange prayer time for grandparents to pray together for their grandchildren on Sept. 9.
  3. Order “Grandparents Day of Prayer” brochures or invitations to distribute to the grandparents in your church and to your friends who are grandparents.
  4. Have a senior adult potluck after church on Sept. 9 and have a prayer time.
  5. Invite a group of your friends who are grandparents to your home to pray for each other’s grandchildren.
  6. If you are not able to meet in a group, invite another grandparent to pray with you for the grandchildren in your home
  7. Make Sept. 9 a special day to intentionally pray for each of your grand children.
  8. Send your grandchildren a note to tell them that you will be praying for them individually on September 9, Grandparents Day of Prayer.
  9. Do an activity with your grandchildren and tell them you are praying for them.
  10. Make a commitment to make it a high priority to intentionally pray for your grandchildren every day.
  11. Ask your older grandchildren how you can pray for them. For the younger grandchildren ask the parents how they would like you to pray for the children. 

“One generation will commend your works to another.” Psalm 145:4

By Lillian Penner
















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Lillian is the National Prayer Coordinator for Christian Grandparenting Network for many years. She is a speaker, blogger and authored Grandparenting with a Purpose: Effective Ways to Pray for your Grandchildren. She and her husband have 3 sons, 9 grandchildren and 2 greats.

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